A kitten or a lion? The brain's threat detection errors

EBT is a method that gives everyone a new technology that translates traditional psychological concepts into direct, neuroscientific treatments.

Most problems are caused by stress, which is controlled by faulty circuits – flashes of chemicals and electricity that cause us to spiral down into anxiety, depression, weight gain, overeating, work stress, and relationship issues. The problems are not solved until we rewire those circuits, and instead of spiraling down into mental health problems and chronic diseases, we spiral up to optimal health and a life of joy and purpose.

When you adopt EBT as the foundation of your healthcare, you start seeing stress as the problem and rewiring circuits as the solution. Also, as EBT is based on pure science, you can relax into using it and have fun rewiring those faulty circuits.

What's a lion in neuroscience?

"Daniel" was at Brain State 5 about his wife when we began our session. He knew enough EBT to appreciate that the problem was his wiring, and during our session, we would fix that wire – and he would have a "project for the week" for self-care rewiring.

Where do lions come into this? Each stress overload circuit is a faulty wire, a "threat detection error" that tells us we are in serious danger, even at risk of annihilation, when we are at little or no risk. These are called "lions" or trauma circuits that cause most suffering and health problems.

Turn lions caused by stress into kittens caused by joy.

Kittens, what are they?

As an EBT Provider, I think in terms of wires. In the world of the emotional brain, it's all about circuits. The reactive, threat-detection "lions" block resilience and cause problems, and resilient circuits promote health and solve problems. They are "kittens."

When Daniel started using EBT, he shared that his father had abused him throughout his childhood. At age 20, he made the break and refused to see his dad, but his faulty wires from childhood remained stored in his brain.

Differentiating lions and kittens

In his coaching session, he said he was at Brain State 5 about his partner, "Melanie."  I  encouraged him to do a Deep Cycle, which he did, and promptly unlocked a 5 Circuit. Although the Cycle was about Melanie, after doing a Travel Back," he discovered the faulty wire was about his father.

He said, "Melanie looks like a lion to me, but she's actually a kitten."

Daniel said he felt peaceful. He needed to bring up a memory of his father and spiral up through that memory to clear the stress, rewire the hurt, and create freedom from the past.

In the meantime, when Melanie triggered him and started looking like a lion, he could reassure himself that he was overreacting. She was safe. She was a kitten, and he was on his way to healing the past rather than being controlled by it.