A World at One - NEW EBT Initiative to Treat the #1 Problem Worldwide: Stress Overload

On October 1, 2022, EBT launched the World at One Initiative, a structured, effective way to treat the #1 problem worldwide quickly.

Once each month, on the first day of the month, make it your priority to be at Brain State 1 throughout the day, radiating love, hope, and joy. Each time you are not at One during that day, reach for the EBT app and spiral up. Your emotional transmission will enter the brain of others and wire their brain for love, hope, and joy, too.

How do you make this World at One Day more meaningful? Dedicate your efforts to one person or a group. Throughout the day, send that healing energy to them.

Then, if you have already trained your brain for spontaneous resilience, that's it. If not, each World at One Day can become the first day of your 5-Day Cortisol Detox. This treatment is much like exercise interval training, except the "muscle" is the brain. Brief, intensive bursts of EBT change the brain. The goal is automaticity.

Start right where you are and prepare for World at One Day. Each month, dedicate your effort to be at One and radiate that healing energy to one person or a group. In between, be part of an EBT group or in the community, so you keep strengthening your resilience, but add this special celebratory day, and, as needed, repeat the detox monthly.

Celebrate World at One Day monthly, followed by the 5-Day Cortisol Detox until your brain is spontaneously resilient. Be part of this initiative, switching off that stress chemical cascade, and radiating hope, love, and joy. By raising our own set point we are doing our part to raise the set point of the planet.

Go to EBT.ORG, consider becoming a member, and be part of an initiative that is applying the latest science to treating the root cause of what is harming us: stress overload. Embrace this mission and share it with family members and friends, organizations, and health professionals.

Together we can co-create a World at One.