The Stress Solution!

As Americans, we KNOW we are in toxic stress. Let's do something about it! We need a new way to release toxic stress and feel joy that is based on the latest neuroscience.

In The Stress Overload Solution, Laurel Mellin, PhD maps out a way to change psychotherapy, basing it on neuroscience. We all have hidden pathways in our emotional brain that enable us to release stress in 4 minutes or less, and, even better, find joy and purpose. We need to use them!

According to Mellin, who is a New York Times bestselling author and associate professor emeritus, School of Medicine, UCSF, "We all need a 'stress vaccine,' a way to radically reduce stress on the spot, even toxic stress that causes anxiety, depression, overeating, sleep problems, brain fog, and overwhelm."

Our emotional brain is designed to clear this stress, but we must upgrade our stress removal techniques to optimize its natural abilities. Mellin calls this simple technique, the "spiraling up," as it is the most powerful tool of the program she founded, Emotional Brain Training (EBT), which is an evidence-based, scientific solution to stress overload and our epidemics of  stress-induced health problems. It gives people the power to switch off "triggers" and feel a sense of peace and power from within, typically in 1 to 3 minutes. Traditional methods, such as positive self-talk and mindful awareness, take about 30 minutes to accomplish the same result. Who has 30 minutes these days? Her motto is, "Let's switch off stress and switch it off NOW!"

According to Mellin, "The emotional brain is the powerhouse of stress relief, and this amazing tool gives us all the power to relieve our stress and feel peace and power inside. Given these stress levels, we must use our power to release stress and find purpose moment-to-moment throughout the day. The stress vaccine delivers this, giving us access to the brain's natural super-charged resiliency pathways. I wrote this book because this one technique can change each of our lives. It is magical."

The Stress Solution is available as a book on Amazon, and you can learn the technique and download a mobile app for using it at