The end of suffering...

A basic concept of Emotional Brain Training (EBT) is that launching forward to take those toxic emotions and handily turn them into joy – and purpose – takes work, bravery, and the skills of the method.

Stop the suffering – it's just a skill

The good news is that it stops suffering, the unnecessary vexations we bring upon ourselves when we DO NOT spiral up through those hideous emotions but instead allow them to pummel and kick us to the curb.

In a nation that is moving toward an approach to emotional and physical health of a pill for every ill and a knife for every strife, we do not stop our suffering. We feel better without getting better.

Getting through the weeds in 3 minutes or less

If you want to stop your suffering as a personal choice, then learn the 5 Core Skills of EBT. They are the first part of EBT training and they target the precise circuits that make us miserable.

That takes some bravery because if you do not have the EBT tools, then calling up toxic emotions is not sensible. We get stuck in that spiraling down, stress chemical cascade and who in their right mind would do that?

Get to the light by trying out the tools

Recently I had a cancer scare and had a visit from some toxic emotions. In EBT, we use brain states to identify our stress level, as they are physiological and give us a sense of how much cortisol, the misery chemical, is flowing.

Brain State 5 is the worst, and I was there. If I had let that state get dug in, I would be volunteering to suffer. I'm EBT-trained and the time between hitting the Brain State 5, and reaching for the EBT 5 Core Skills was about two minutes, then another three or so to untangle myself from those toxic emotions.

After that, I was free. Please learn the 5 Core Skills of Stress Overload by EBT and share the good news of EBT with everyone you know. We can stop suffering, but it will take people sharing EBT with others to get through the weeds and to the light.