Trust the Process

A dear friend, Lori, an addiction doc, spoke of the "primacy of process." It's an interesting idea, as no matter how much we do to create a simple, deep system like EBT, there is wonder. If we can attach to the process, not the outcomes, who knows how wonderful life could be?

I see that in my own life. Perhaps the most important training in EBT is about the fundamental emotional tools. Use them. Awaken. Use them again. Awaken again. OH, how out of control that is, and yet, how far that takes us in evolving and learning how to both love and give even more. Yes, EVEN MORE!

Scared of being bored

As a child, I was fearful, or rather, scared out of my mind that I would be bored. It was a time of women having limited roles, and I had no hope it could be better for me. I didn't realize that there is no emancipation from the realities of life. As a woman, I had limited options, but men were neglected and, even, abused in their own roles.

What I didn't realize back then is that the beautiful emotional brain protects us from horror. It shuts off the conscious mind when life is tough, but it also celebrates our leaps of faith and our growing wisdom, and it consolidates those wise learnings. Then it gives us a moment to pause and brings up yet another learning.

As a practical person, this amuses me. I finally break through and then I pause. A light goes off in my brain and a new pursuit is so exciting to me. What I could not do at all a few minutes before now entices me.

Forever challenged . . .

I still wonder if the nexus between the genome and the spiritual is that we are forever challenged. Wow, how amazing that is, for I could beam to an earlier time and tell that little girl that was me not to worry. I'd tell her, "It keeps getting better and better and better!" The world's deepest desire is that we grow.

For me that means using the EBT tools, and trusting the process.