podcast Harnessing the Power of Joy: Insights from Dr. Laurel Mellin In a recent enlightening episode of "The Joy of Living" podcast, Dr. Laurel Mellin had the pleasure of speaking with host Barry Shore. What unfolded was a profound conversation about the
Love To love – and spiral up! EBT is a pathway to fulfilling our potential for the elevated emotions (love, compassion, gratitude, hope, forgiveness, awe, and joy), our Genetic Potential for Joy (GPJ).
Neuroplasticity 3 Life-changing Ideas Three ideas based on neuroscience and weathering the inevitable ups and downs of life and be life-changing.
Joy Trusting the Paradise Inside You Our shared genes make paradise available to all of us. All we need is to take 23 small but important steps. All we need is EBT.
Resilience How do you turn stress into joy? The emotional brain's resilience pathways lead from stress to joy. EBT gives us the skills to access those pathways anytime, anywhere.
Adversity Boundless JOY! It's a skill It's not until we dig so deep into the mysterious wires in our emotional brain that the self-torture that follows a loss goes "poof" and brings boundless joy.
reward Small Pleasures: The Brain Lights Up! The latest science of stress overload (allostasis) suggests that it is our habit of cultivating small, "addiction prevention" pleasures (Joy Points) that our brain needs.
Adversity After the 5 comes the 1! What if you were never terrified? Even worse, if you were never terrified and had the strength to receive from another? Looking back . . . those moments outshine all others.
Joy Taking the Leap With 2020 over, what about making 2021 the Year of Joy? That would take many mini-emotional cleanses. That is doable!
Emotional Brain EBT as a Spiritual Pathway The emotional brain has hidden pathways to spiritual states in which we connect to the deeper meanings of life. EBT is a spiritual solution based on science.