Emotional Brain For the love of a horse On the occasion of falling in love with a horse, the nature of the emotional brain comes through. Instead of trying to manage the horse, just connect with myself, connect with him, and discover how easy it is to live in harmony and peace.
Love To love – and spiral up! EBT is a pathway to fulfilling our potential for the elevated emotions (love, compassion, gratitude, hope, forgiveness, awe, and joy), our Genetic Potential for Joy (GPJ).
Joy Trusting the Paradise Inside You Our shared genes make paradise available to all of us. All we need is to take 23 small but important steps. All we need is EBT.
Sanctuary Freedom from Loneliness In such chaotic and vexing times, emotional security, and even when alone not feeling lonely, seems a core value or, at least, aspiration. When I think about EBT and why I love it,
Emotional Brain EBT as a Spiritual Pathway The emotional brain has hidden pathways to spiritual states in which we connect to the deeper meanings of life. EBT is a spiritual solution based on science.
Love Tenderness & Love: Mackey at 100 Today my mother would have been 100 and a family friend dropped by to my daughter's house a remembrance of her – we called her Mackey. What came across? Love and tenderness.